Book to see a Pastor to be prayed for


Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.  And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. – James 5:13-16 (NIV)

Welcome to the Prayer Clinic at The Church of Pentecost Singapore!

Are you facing challenges, struggles, or situations where you long for the power of fervent intercession? We are here to help and support you.

At the Prayer Clinic, we believe in the transformative power of prayer and the profound impact it can have on every area of our lives. Following the biblical principles outlined in James 5:13-16, we invite you to come and receive prayer from our dedicated team of leaders.

Whether you are facing health concerns, relationship difficulties, financial struggles, or simply need guidance and encouragement, our pastors are ready to stand with you in faith. We firmly believe that the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much, and we are committed to partnering with you in seeking God’s intervention and wisdom.

Our Prayer Clinic is open to all individuals, regardless of whether you are a member of our church or not. We believe that prayer knows no boundaries and that the love and power of God are available to everyone. Our doors are open to embrace you with compassion, understanding, and the hope found in Jesus Christ.

Booking an appointment at our Prayer Clinic is simple. Rest assured that all information shared during these sessions will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and respect.

Take a step towards breakthrough and restoration. Allow our experienced pastors and elders to join you in prayer, standing as a united front against the challenges you face. Together, let’s bring your needs before the throne of grace, seeking God’s intervention and guidance.

Join us at the Prayer Clinic and experience the transformative power of prayer.


In times of trials, challenges, and even moments of triumph, there is great value in seeking the prayers of Christian leaders. While personal prayer is essential and powerful, there are unique benefits to allowing experienced and anointed leaders to pray for you.

  1. Wisdom and Discernment: Christian leaders, such as pastors and elders, have devoted their lives to studying God’s Word, seeking His guidance, and developing a deep relationship with Him. Their wisdom and discernment can provide valuable insights and guidance as they pray on your behalf.
  2. Spiritual Covering: When Christian leaders pray for you, they provide a spiritual covering over your life. Their prayers can serve as a shield against spiritual attacks and bring a sense of divine protection. Their intercession carries weight and authority, lifting burdens and bringing peace.
  3. Corporate Faith: The power of united prayer should not be underestimated. When Christian leaders join in prayer for you, they bring the collective faith of the body of Christ. Their prayers join with yours, creating a powerful synergy that can move mountains and unleash God’s miraculous intervention.
  4. Accountability and Support: Christian leaders are not only there to pray for you but also to walk alongside you in your journey of faith. They can provide guidance, support, and encouragement as you navigate life’s challenges. Their prayers offer a sense of comfort, knowing that you are not alone in your struggles.
  5. Anointing and Spiritual Authority: Christian leaders often operate under a special anointing and spiritual authority given to them by God. Their prayers carry weight and are infused with the power of the Holy Spirit. By allowing them to pray for you, you tap into that anointing, opening doors for divine breakthroughs and supernatural manifestations.

Remember, seeking the prayers of Christian leaders does not diminish the importance of your personal relationship with God. It complements and enhances it, as you embrace the power of collective intercession and the support of the body of Christ.

Praise Reports


Delivered from a Heart Attack

A 45-year-old brother had a heart attack at home caused by a pulmonary block in the veins and was rushed to hospital on 30 December 2022. He was prayed for and visits were made by leadership to the hospital to which he was able to make a full recovery and return to church the next week to give his testimony with his family. A subsequent balloon to be placed in his veins the subsequent week was later deemed unnecessary by the doctor after further examination. God has healed him completely to his own glory.


A gentleman lost his job at a time he was yet to secure full residency status in Singapore. Prayer was lifted for him and with just 2 months left before his Pass runs out, God gave him a job. As a result, he was able to bring his family from India and be granted Permanent Residency status to live indefinitely in Singapore.

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